Thirteen of us travelled to the
beautiful Bon Scours Retreat center on Saturday for a day of R.E.S.T. (restore,
explore, sacred time).
What a wonderful place. We were
made to feel at home from the minute we arrived with a sign at the end of the
rod that read ‘Welcome Wilson College.’
Andrea had thoughtfully set up
our space on a close in porch that had beautiful view over the countryside.
Andrea lead us in a welcoming
prayer and invite us to identify the blocks that we experience in our
relationship with God and throughout our lives. She asked us to
welcome this naming as a means of clearing the path on our life.
“It is said that the reason a bird sitting on a hot wire
does not get electrocuted is simply because it does not touch the ground to give
the electricity a pathway. That is what I am asking you to do. Stay like a bird,
sitting on the hot wire, holding the creative tensions, but do not be ground it
by thinking of it, by critiquing it, by judging it. Actually welcome it in a
positive way. Hold on to it. I think that is what Jesus was doing on the cross.
He was holding all the pain of the world, at least symbolically and he refused
to hate back.”
As we considered points of
struggle in our lives, Andrea referred to Joan Chittister’s book, Scarred by
Struggle, Transformed by Hope and invited us to see that the gift of
struggle is conversion. That though struggle we find out who God is and who we
are as individual an community. How do we want to BE in the world?
The labyrinth was introduced as
a means of journeying from struggle to hope. We do not walk the labyrinth
with our thinking minds. We travel in with the struggle and the intention of
traveling out with renewal. The work is God’s.
As we prepared to walk the
labyrinth, Andrea repeated Edwina Gately’s words, ‘Waiting’
I need simply and only
to wait upon God
without expectation
and God, all longing,
moving within me
will breath in me
the music of my soul.
Our facilitator, Andrea Springer
Painted rocks that will help create our community labyrinth on World Labyrinth Day, May 4
Walking a Labyrinth
Take a moment to release and reflect
Release concerns and quiet the mind
Recieve what this moment offers
Review and reflect
Carry the experience into your life
The Labyrinth
Blessing Andrea used at end of retreat (from Psalm
107, Praying the Psalms by Nan Merrill)
Yes, attune yourselves to the small
still Voice within,
stay true to your heart's Center.
For through your inner being Truth
and Wisdom are heard;
the resource to break all bonds
is found there, too.
Has no one ever told you that
truth is written on the scrolls
of your heart,
that the Beloved dwells therein?
And know yourself! Let your aim be
to recognize who you are.
Aspire to live as sons and daughters
of Divine Love,
to enshrine the earth with,
To honor all relationships as sacred, and
to live in peace and balance with
all living things.
Acknowledge the sacredness of
every path,
albeit different from your own;
In this way honor the Great Mystery
and the wonder of all life!